Digital Identity Friday Five: January 24, 2025
Covering the most interesting news for the week of January 18 to January 24
Today is Friday, January 24. Here are five things in #digitalidentity that I found interesting this week
First, big news! PEAK IDV presents... "Is DocV Dead?" is scheduled for Thursday, February 13 at 10a PT
Learn from experts in the field including Deepanker Saxena (Socure), Wil Janssen (Inverid - Creators of ReadID), Riley Hughes (Trinsic), Thomas Canfarotta (Veratad), Garient Evans (Enformion), and just added Blair Cohen (AuthenticID)
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1/ Keyless Raises $2M Bringing Total Funding in 18 months to $10M
Keyless announced an additional $2 million in funding led by existing investors Rialto Venture Capital & Experian Ventures - Investing in the Global Credit Economy
"Looking ahead, the new funding will help Keyless accelerate its North American expansion, attract more customers, and introduce breakthrough innovations." said their announcement
Congrats, Andrea, Fabian, and team!
2/ Entrust Announces New AI-powered Facial Biometric Authentication
Entrust Identity as a Service (IDaaS) now enables facial #biometric #authentication by verifying users against their encrypted biometric identifier stored on-device
"With fraud becoming more sophisticated, it’s more important than ever that businesses establish verified identities from day one," said Bhagwat Swaroop, President of Digital Security at Entrust
3/ TechCrunch: AI vision startup Metropolis Technologies acquires Oosto for $125M
TechCrunch covered the acquisition of facial recognition startup Oosto
"TechCrunch understands the all-stock deal is valued at $125 million — just one-third of the $380 million that the startup had raised from investors over the years, and likely a fraction of its peak valuation."
#facialrecognition #acquisitions
4/ GOV.UK: Digital DLs Coming This Year
The UK government is launching a GOV.UK Wallet and App to simplify access to services and documents like digital driver’s licenses
According to their site, a mobile driver’s license will be one of the first digital documents in a GOV.UK
5/ Nametag Can Now Issue a Microsoft Temporary Access Pass
Nametag announced their platform can now issue a Microsoft Temporary Access Pass (TAP)
Entra ID administrators can enable users to receive a TAP in a secure environment through Nametag's Autopilot, their self-service account recovery solution
TAP = time-limited passcode that can be configured for single or multiple use
Congrats Noah Blier and team on the new feature!