Digital Identity Friday Five: October 11, 2024
Covering the most interesting news for the week of October 5 to October 11
Today is Friday, October 1 Here are five things in #digitalidentity that I found interesting this week
1/ MoneyGram International announces hack
Another major blow in the world of #databreaches
MoneyGram announced "an unauthorized third party accessed and acquired personal information of certain consumers between September 20 and 22, 2024"
#ssns #governmentIDs #DOBs #fullstackPII & more
Their official notice:
2/ GSA’s announces #IAL2 compliance
General Service Administration’s (GSA) Technology Transformation Services announced that, the single sign-on platform that provides strong authentication and identity verification capabilities to government agencies, will begin offering a new independently certified National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-63 Identity Assurance Level 2 (IAL2) identity verification option to its partners
#NIST #IAL #80063 #publicsector
3/ TD to pay $3 billion for AML failings
Interesting Quartz article covering TD’s regulatory fines
"Over the course of six years, Canada’s second-largest bank failed to monitor $18.3 trillion in customer activity in the United States."
Check out this post from Gavin Holland for an AI-powered recap:
#AML #compliance #moneylaundering
4/ Identity In The Digital Age And The Rise Of Multi-Factor Verification
Interesting Forbes Technology Council article written by Bojan Simic of HYPR | The Identity Assurance Company
Bojan covers the step after multi-factor authentication (#MFA)... multi-factor verification (#MFV)!
5/ Socure Hires Former Forter Executive Josh Simpson as New SVP of Customer Success
Socure continues with the executive-level hires at Josh Simpson to the #orangeteam
"Josh’s extensive background in customer success, coupled with his deep understanding of the digital identity and fraud prevention landscape, makes him the ideal leader to drive our customer-centric initiatives forward," said Matthew Thompson, CRO at Socure
And those are this week’s #fridayfive - hit the 'like' button or re-share for good luck in CYQ4
Are you attending FIDO Alliance’s #Authenticate2024 conference next week in #Carlsbad?
I’ll be there representing PEAK IDV - let’s connect!