Digital Identity Friday Five: April 5, 2024
Covering the most interesting news for the week of March 30 to April 5
Today is Friday, April 5. Here are five things in #digitalidentity that I found interesting this week
But first, PEAK IDV DEMO DAY updates!
The first confirmed companies are: Veridas, Mesh, Paravision, & Incognia
Acuity Market Intelligence & Marketplace Risk are confirmed live stream partners - they will simulcast DEMO DAY from their company pages on May 9
DEMO DAY link is down below! 👇
And now, the updates...
1/ Government Technology & Socure: America Needs a New Identity
#digitalidentity took over the April edition of GT Magazine
Phenomenal educational content featuring Matthew Thompson, Jordan Burris, Brett Johnson, and many more leaders in #identity
Congrats to all evolved in this #publicsector initiative
2/ Study Highlights Overwhelming Support for Identity Verification to Combat Misinformation on Social Media Platforms
"Although some social media companies such as X (formerly Twitter) offer a form of profile verification for users who pay for it, many people want a more stringent level of identity verification," said Media.com founder and CEO James Mawhinney
3/ TechRadar: Protecting digital integrity in the age of deepfakes and identity fraud
Thanks to Vincent Guillevic, Head of Fraud Labs, Onfido for sharing his thoughts in the feature on TechRadar Pro
#deepfakes #identityfraud
4/ The Wall Street Journal: Deepfakes Are Coming for the Financial Sector
"Companies using photos or audio to verify customers’ identities are preparing for bad actors gaming the system with generative AI" - WSJ
Thanks to Ori Eisen of Trusona for sharing this article with me!
#documentcentric #biometrics #idv
5/ FTC Denies Application for “Privacy-Protective Facial Age Estimation”
Federal Trade Commission denied an application, without prejudice, by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), Yoti, and SuperAwesome for Commission approval of a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (#COPPA Rule)
This is related to the urgent need for online age protection for minors
I had to look it up but "dismissal without prejudice" indicates that it can be refiled at some point with additional evidence and I expect it will!
#ageestimation #agerestrictedmedia
And those are this week’s #fridayfive
Are you interested in digital identity?
You should register for DEMO DAY: https://www.linkedin.com/events/peakidvdemoday20247180077374208626688/theater/
GT/SOCURE: https://www.govtech.com/magazines/gt/government-technology-special-issue-april-2024
MEDIA.COM: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/study-highlights-overwhelming-support-identity-131800599.html
WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/articles/deepfakes-are-coming-for-the-financial-sector-0c72d1e5